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Programm – Action Learning & Action Research Conference (PDF)
- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hauser
Begrüßung und Einführung in das Konferenzthema
Angesichts eines immer stärker werdenden Veränderungsdrucks gewinnen Aktionsstrategien wie Action Learning und Action Research international wie auch im deutschsprachigen Raum in den letzten Jahren stark an Bedeutung. Spannend an diesen Ansätzen ist die wechselseitige Befruchtung und Beeinflussung von Organisations- und Unternehmenspraxis, wissenschaftstheoretischen Positionen, psychologischen Modellen und Beratungshandeln, um Veränderungen zu bewirken. - Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Werner
Die Bedeutung von Virtual Action Learning für Hochschule und Unternehmen
Dieser Beitrag erfolgt voraussichtlich in englischer Sprache. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie in der englischen Programmübersicht. - Prof. Mike Pedler
The practice of action learning and the evolution of organising
Dieser Beitrag erfolgt in englischer Sprache. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie in der englischen Programmübersicht. - Prof. David Coghlan
Developing the Practitioner-Researcher: A New Horizon for Business Schools
Dieser Beitrag erfolgt in englischer Sprache. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie in der englischen Programmübersicht.
- Prof. David Coghlan
Working with Insider Action Research
Dieser Workshop wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie in der englischen Programmübersicht. - Dr. Otmar Donnenberg
Double Loop Learning in Lernzirkel von Managern – nicht selbstverständlich, aber Lernen das lohnt!
Was nicht ins Bewusstsein kommt, kann nicht verändert werden. Auch wenn wir Neues lernen, setzen sich in der Praxis von Erwachsenen die unbewusst gebliebenen „alten“ Grundauffassungen durch. Für das effektive Verändern brauchen wir das Bewusstsein über unsere „verborgenen Lenker“. Doch wie kommen wir ihnen auf die Spur? Der Workshop vermittelt sowohl konkrete Instrumente wie auch Hintergrundinformation dafür. - Prof. Mike Pedler
Dieser Workshop wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie in der englischen Programmübersicht. - Jan Hall und Sue Carter
Factors in the facilitation of successful Action Learning
Dieser Workshop wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie in der englischen Programmübersicht. - Alex Chow
Action Learning in a Multi-Cultural Context: Perspectives from Asia
Dieser Workshop wird in englischer Sprache abgehalten. Nähere Informationen erhalten Sie in der en
Ausgewählte Action-Learning-Projekte.
English version
Program – Action Learning & Action Research Confernce (PDF)- Prof. Dr. Bernhard Hauser
Welcome and Introduction of the Conference
With an ever increasing pressure for change action modalities like action learning and action research attract specific attention in recent years all around the world. The fascinating thing about these approaches is the mutual stimulation of corporate life and academic theorizing, psychological models, and process consulting in order to achieve sustainable transformation. - Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Werner
The Significance of Virtual Action Learning for University and Business Environment
The goal of any university or educational provider must be the development of their students’ hands-on competences, as this is what the business world requires and expects. Action learning is one of the most effective tools that can be used to help students acquire and develop this competitive edge.
Virtual action learning combines the approach and methodology of action learning with state-of-the art interactive web-based tools. These online tools allow new levels of interactivity and also create new opportunities for a continuous implementation of action-learning programs in the business environment. - Prof. Mike Pedler
The Practice of Action Learning and the Evolution of Organising
Action learning is an approach to individual and organisational development in which individuals and small groups tackle the challenges of organising in the hope of learning. As an idea it emerges in the 1970’s and 1980’s although for example Revans’ work (1982) points to an incubation that goes back to the period immediately following WW2. Action learning has been described as one of a family of approaches based on pragmatic philosophies and experiential learning, including action research, action science etc which Raelin (2009) has termed the “action modalities”. Commonalities include producing knowledge which is useful to action, inviting learners to be active participants able to change self and system, endorsing reflection-in-action rather than reflection-on-action and so on.
The emphasis on the development of individuals (human capital) is a shift away from the social capital that is created in the attempt at organisational change and learning. The individual emphasis also increases the danger of action learning becoming an “uncritical” agent of corporate socialisation and “cultural doping”. The “Critical Action Learning” school (Wilmott; McLaughlin & Thorpe; Trehan & Pedler) has arisen partly as a response to this development.
In this presentation I want to argue for action learning not so much as an educational technique but as a way of working together in a variety of social, community and organisational settings. I will use the example of networks and network organising to illustrate the work which can be done via action learning, work that lies beyond the reach of formal command structure. In this discussion, the concept of “wicked” as opposed to “tame” and “critical” problems (Rittel & Webber; Grint 2008) is central, as are notion of shared or distributed as compared with positional or focused leadership. - Prof. David Coghlan
Developing the Practitioner-Researcher: A New Horizon for Business Schools
Within the context of the growing dissatisfaction with management research as it has been traditionally framed and conducted, the emergence of new paradigms of research, such as Mode 2 and the various forms of action modalities and collaborative research, has opened up rich possibilities for business schools to engage their students in research that is relevant and actionable. The form of knowledge that we call practical knowing demands an approach to inquiry that is accommodative of the changing nature of action situations and of the purpose of knowledge generation. In this paper, I explore how business schools can work from and apply the new paradigms of collaborative and action-oriented research to developing practitioner-researchers.
- Prof. David Coghlan
Working with Insider Action Research
Post-experience and/or part-time participants in business school programmes typically seek to use their organizational experience and current managerial tasks as the basis for coursework and for integrating theoretical and practical knowledge. When complete members of an organization seek to inquire into the working of their organizational system in order to change something in it, they can be understood as undertaking insider action research. Insiders who undertake action research in and on their own organizations do so out of a desire to both improve their organization and its capabilities and to understand it. This workshop will explore working with students as insider action researchers, on the issues they confront and how their work may generate actionable knowledge. - Dr. Otmar Donnenberg
Double Loop Learning in Lernzirkel von Managern – nicht selbstverständlich, aber Lernen das lohnt!
This workshop will be held in German. Please look in the German program for additional information. - Prof. Mike Pedler
Detailed information about this workshop will be delivered soon. - Jan Hall und Sue Carter
Factors in the facilitation of successful Action Learning
How can the facilitator help an Action Learning Set work well? A Set is a very different way of working for some people and it is common for Set members to have difficulty grasping the skills, particularly the use of ‘insightful questioning’. This session explores some ways to help members quickly develop the supportive yet challenging environment which leads to productive Sets. - Alex Chow
Action Learning in a Multi-Cultural Context: Perspectives from Asia
The session aims to share perspectives of developments in action learning in different parts of Asia. Perspectives from the private sector, as well as the academic sector (a case study of a Singapore university) will be shared. This will be an interactive session whereby participants will discuss, share and learn from each other about action learning in Asia.
Poster Session
Selected action learning projects.